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Plantlife Midwest

Plantlife Midwest is a subsidiary of Plantlife Records, NYC. Plantlife Records is run by the artists and therefore supports artistic freedom and creativity. Chicago is the music capitol of the midwest and we're based in the heart of the city.

Chicago Skyline staff and consultants on subway
Chicago skyline Subway meeting of artists and consultants in NYC

About the Artists

Go to for details on NYC artists: Eric Peters, The Erics, The Swimmies, Paul Engle, Eddie Lee Priest & the Souls.

Jump to the next page to read about Chicago artists Sharon Jaffess, Orange Monkey and Sinde Kise. The archives of the great New Jersey band, Kise, will also be featured on Plantlife Midwest.

Plantlife Midwest is also "booking USA" for Ireland's jazz/pop duo, ZRAZY. Go to for details.

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Contact Us

All rights reserved © Plantlife Records Midwest Contact us at [email protected] Website design by Patricia Browne